Monday 3 February 2020

The Kulembarach Clan

On the planet Ramnu:

the Forebear, Kulembarach, led her family from the Ringdales to the lands south of Lake Roah and east of the Kiiong River while the Ice was receding to beyond the Guardian Mountains;

later, traders from West-Oversea brought ironworking and writing;

some of the Kulembarach clan joined the College when the Seekers of Wisdom arose;

when the Mount Gungnor volcano awoke and the Golden Tide enriched the land, the clans established the Lords of the Volcano;

the Kulembarach were among those who welcomed the strangers from the stars;

Kulembarach's tomb, the Shrine, is a dolmen surrounded by terraces, houses, statues, gardens, fountains and works of art;

the Ice is returning.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The Kulembarach Shrine seems like a combination of Buckingham Palace, Westminster Cathedral, and the British Museum. Similar analogies from other countries could be found I'm sure!

Sean said...

Miriam Abrams compares it to Jerusalem.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If the Kulembarach Shrine, which was also the seat of the clan, had been the size of a city, that would have been an appropriate analogy. I thought of the British Museum because of that mention of works of art.

Ad astra! Sean