Friday 21 February 2020

Yasmin Remembers

"(How suddenly, shockingly real came back to her the lecture hall, and the droning voice, young heads bent above notebooks, sunlight that streamed in through arched windows, and the buzz of bees, odor of roses, a glimpse of students strolling across a greensward that stretched between beautiful buildings.)"
-"A Tragedy of Errors," p. 493.

A memory: one single-sentence paragraph in brackets, not necessary for the narrative of events on Nike but welcome as providing an insight into Yasmin's past on Sassania and, of course, addressing three of the senses -

droning voice, buzz of bees;
sunlight, greensward, beautiful buildings;
odor of roses.

"A Tragedy of Errors" is richer for the inclusion of this sentence.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And of course this gives us a glimpse of how Sassania, for a time at least, was more fortunate than many other planets after the Empire fell. More scientific knowledge was PRESERVED there.

Ad astra! Sean