Thursday 20 February 2020

Kraken II


"...tried to summon before her the children they had had together, tall sons and daughters, the baby grandchildren, and Skerrygarth, their home that was the dowry she had brought him, towers steadfast above a surf that played white among the reefs -"
-"A Tragedy of Errors," p. 481.

Evalyth is the Militech of the Allied Planets exploratory expedition to Lokon because she is:

"...from a half barbaric part of Kraken where the sexes had equal opportunities to learn arts of combat suitable to primitive environments -"
-Poul Anderson, "The Sharing of Flesh" IN Anderson, Flandry's Legacy (Riverdale, NY, 2012), pp. 661-708 AT pp. 663-664.

Lokon gravity is 0.77 standard, less than two thirds Krakener. Evalyth has blond hair, intricate tattoos on legs and forearms and a holstered blaster handed down through many generations. I prefer several other Technic planets to Kraken.

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