Sunday 23 February 2020

The Last Misunderstanding

Yasmin has solved the problem. Nikean weather can be predicted and sporadic destruction of crops and other wealth prevented if it is understood that Nike's sun is not young as was thought but so old that is is starting to become a red giant although that will still take a long time to happen. Tom will depart and return with meteorologists who will be able to apply the correct mathematical model and thus to make accurate weather forecasts. He must leave Yasmin as a hostage and she will pass the time by making arrangements with many men...

When Tom returns, she has indeed made arrangements - political, not personal. Several feudal lords will help to restore her father, the deposed Shah, to the throne of Sassania if the Krakeners will provide weapons, training and transport.

Thus, Tom and Yasmin have forged a strong tri-planetary alliance although this is not as yet the basis for the Allied Planets because we read later that it was Atheia that inducted Kraken into that alliance.

The Technic History feels like a different series when it is studied as it deserves to be.

Addendum, 24 Feb, 2020: Yasmin's father was not the deposed Shah but "...Nadjaf Kuli, the deputy governor." (p. 462). See the combox.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Actually, Yasmin was not the daughter of the deposed Shah of Sassania. Rather, she was the daughter of one of the barons loyal to that Shah. But she certainly had good reason for negotiating alliances mutually beneficial to Roan Tom and powerful Nikeans that would also be useful to Sassania.

Ad astra! Sean