Monday 17 February 2020

Everard And Flandry On Textbooks

Why does Manse Everard, quoted here and here, state that:

reality never conforms very well to textbooks;

sometimes, it does not conform to them?

Dominic Flandry explains:

"'...textbooks have little value in practical matters. There is always the subtlety of the individual, which eludes anything except direct intuition based on wide, intimate experience.'"
-"Hunters of the Sky Cave," XII, pp, 244-245.

Since Flandry of Terra is addressing Svantozik of Ardazir, he adds:

"'And you, being nonhuman, cannot ever have such an experience of men.'" (p. 245)

Flandry's wisdom supplements Everard's:

wide, intimate experience;
direct intuition;
individual subtlety;
value in practical matters -

- as against textbook truths.

Read Andersonian space opera, enjoy and learn.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I agree with what Everard and Flandry said about the limitations of textbooks. That said, they do have their place, providing as they do basic knowledge and information to students, including students at intelligence academies. But it will take actual experience for this information to become USEFUL.

Ad astra! Sean