Saturday 15 February 2020

Intelligence Tradecraft

"...there was a stretch of public thoroughfare. Flandry put hands in pockets and sauntered along under rustling feather palms as if he had neither cares nor haste."
-"Hunters of the Sky Cave," XI, p. 231.

"Never look as if you don't know where to go. Never dawdle with intent. I am a newly arrived tourist. I am a pedestrian, the lowest of the low."
-John Le Carre, Agent Running In The Field (London, 2019), 11, p. 131.

"'...tell Dr. Reineke to shift his apparatus and the prisoner elsewhere. It's always best to keep moving around, when you're being searched for.'"
-"Hunters...," XI, p. 238.

In Harry's Game, an IRA chief says that the Army had turned over the house that he had stayed in the previous week. That stuff was happening in these islands that recently.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think WE CLAIM THESE STARS also mentions how an underground resistance movement would have to very soon adopt a cell structure system with frequently changing pass words to foil attempts to smash it.

Ad astra! Sean said...

That is also among the notes that I have taken while rereading the text.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If the conflict on Vixen had lasted longer you can bet Ardazirho intelligence officers like Mind-hunter Svantozik would soon have been "turning" human Vixenites and infiltrating them into the resistance. Using means like blackmail, intimidation, bribery, etc., to get them working for the invaders. Some would fail to be inserted but others would not. Mutual suspicion and paranoia alone would have lessened the effectiveness of the resistance.

Ad astra! Sean