Friday 28 February 2020

Conversation On A Dike


Different Reading Experiences

Literary Geography (blog search result)

"'At the crossroad of the elements, greeting,' she said. Her husky voice sang the language, even more than most Gwydiona voices."
-The Night Face, III, p. 568.

What am I getting at with this? - you may well ask.

First, the conversation takes place on a dike, hence "'...the crossroad of the elements...'"

Secondly, in the post, "Different Reading Experiences," (see the first link above) I referred to a young woman's "singsong Liverpudlian accent." (Indeed, were I a composer, it could have inspired a musical.)

Thirdly, since "Different Reading Experiences" addresses the significance of where and when we first read a book, I have also linked to posts about ""Literary Associations" and "Literary Geography," which I found interesting to reread so I hope that others will as well.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Because of how highly I regard the works of Poul Anderson, I seldom take them FAR from my home, fearing I might lose them. In fact the first time I ever did that was this past December when I took my copy of THE EARTH BOOK OF STORMGATE with me to Florida, visiting my brother.

Ad astra! Sean