Saturday 8 February 2020

Art Reflects Life

Before going out earlier this evening, I posted links to nine earlier posts about Poul Anderson's The Game Of Empire. After returning home, I found these posts interesting to reread. (I went to a friend's house where we ate takeaway from the Sultan.)

"Waterblossom set forth after the thunderstorm that had been brewing reached explosion point and then spent itself."
-The Game Of Empire, CHAPTER TEN, p. 296.

Sometimes, we read a work of fiction that describes
our current situation.Thus, as I drove home this evening, it began to rain. Storm Ciara is expected to batter Britain tomorrow and for a few more days next week, affecting travel plans. I might be housebound, thinking of more to blog about.

When I hear thunder, I say that Thor is passing overhead.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And lately, where I live, we've gotten snow, freezing rain, and right now frigid temperatures.

I'm a slow reader, still only halfway thru A CIRCUS OF HELLS.

Ad astra! Sean