Wednesday 26 December 2018

Another Christmas Activity


Aquamen (scroll down)
Comics And Science Fiction
"Great Books"

Another possible Christmas activity is going to see a superhero film. Aquaman recalls Poul Anderson's The Merman's Children. Superheroes began in sf and still overlap with it. Poul Anderson could have novelized and rationalized superhero characters. The heroic deeds of medieval knights in his The High Crusade are an earlier form of superheroism, especially when translated to an interstellar stage. Comic book superheroes have included Thor (and see here) and a time traveling Arthurian knight.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would very much love to see a filmed and accurate version of Anderson's THE HIGH CRUSADE! IMO only one word describes most SF films: DRECK.
