Saturday 29 December 2018

Earliest Events

We think that the earliest event known to us was the earliest event but could there have been an earliest event?

If a vacuum full of virtual particles generated our monobloc (see here), could that vacuum also have generated other monoblocs or indeed other unknown phenomena?

What did the Spirit do before it moved on the waters and what happened in the waters before the Spirit moved on them?

Why was Surtr waiting with flaming sword even before any giants or gods had been born in Ginnungagap?

In any cosmology, we see a part and think that it is the whole.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Darn! I guessed wrong about the question you thought of in the previous blog piece. Your question had more to do about who or what was Surt. And nothing about Loki.
