Saturday 22 December 2018

Two Kinds Of Aliens In SF

There are anthropomorphic aliens in action-adventure fiction but also hypothetical organisms in serious speculative fiction. The Wersgorix and the Merseians are obviously the former, space opera villains, like fantasy trolls or orcs. The second kind of aliens appear in Poul Anderson's Starfarers, The Avatar and "Kyrie." His Ythrians are a serious speculation about post-mammalian organisms. Thus, Anderson's major future history series, the History of Technic Civilization, incorporates both kinds of aliens. And these brief remarks might be all that I have time for today. The blog contains information about the fictional species mentioned here.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

As you will recall I have previously argued that the idea of "anthropomorphic aliens" is not that implausible. I suggested that evolution on some planets might well favor the forelimbs of some races becoming arms and hands, with the hind limbs taking over the job of moving around. And having the head and brain on top of the torso has obvious advantages if the organs for sight, hearing, breathing, etc., were also concentrated in the head.

The impression I have gotten from you is that you seem to disapprove of some aliens being humanoid. MY view is that I believe there are both humanoid and non humanoid aliens.
