Friday 14 December 2018

Time Travel And Future Histories

Should sf writers connect their time travel to their future histories?

Robert Heinlein wrote an excellent Future History, then an execrable Time Enough For Love.

Isaac Asimov connected his hopelessly confused time travel novel, The End Of Eternity, to his future history.

Poul Anderson did not connect the Time Patrol to the Technic History but did not connect There Will Be Time to the Maurai History. (Anderson explores every option.)

Julian May's Pliocene Exile, Intervention and Galactic Milieu are seamless circular sequence.

It can be done. And Anderson wrote so much about both the past and the future that he might have connected them more.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, Anderson COULD have connected his future histories to his time travel stories when he chose to do so, as we see with how THERE WILL BE TIME linked up with his Maurai tales. But I'm very glad he did not try to link up the Time Patrol stories with his Technic Civilization series. The sheer complexity and difficulty of integrating two such very different series without making a hopeless muddle of both makes me glad he did not try.

We do get a glimpse of Nicholas van Rijn in "House Rule." But that story belonged to the short Old Phoenix sequence, which was not exactly time travel, but rather a "nexus," the Old Phoenix Inn, linking up with "alternate universes."
