Tuesday 11 December 2018

The Wisdom Of A Chief II

See The Wisdom Of A Chief.

I should have mentioned lessons learned at work. Even after all their training and induction, professional staff remained finite, fallible persons, often hypersensitive to criticism. We had to work with or around but not against our colleagues. Managers had to manage persons and their interactions. The Dalesmen Chief would have understood this. I never wanted a management position but, near the end, our organization wanted to disperse the management function as diffusely as possible so I wound up "line managing" one part timer.

Psychologists, including occupational (work-related) psychologists, help us to function according to some sort of social norm but individuals can practice meditation that potentially transcends the norm.

These are my reflections on the Chief's insight that "'...you can't change [people] much...'"

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And then there are leaders who DO try to change people a lot! And when they are faced with the stubborn intractability of human beings, some of these leaders become monstrous tyrants: and we get Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Lenin, and Stalin (to name only examples from Russian history).
