Monday 24 December 2018

Who Is Among Us?

Are there aliens, mutants, telepaths, immortals, time travelers or disguised supernatural beings hidden among us? We could list yet again the relevant works by Poul Anderson. Some of these categories overlap:

mutant immortals in The Boat Of A Million Years;
mutant time travelers in There Will Be Time;
immortal time travelers in Time Patrol.

Some time travelers do not depart from the present but arrive from the future and, in this respect, resemble visiting aliens. In fact, Olaf Stapledon's time traveling "Last Men" are from Neptune.

There are immortals born in antiquity who have lived through history and time travelers born recently or not yet who have lived through years or decades of history.

Julian May's Pliocene/Intervention/Galactic sequence incorporates all or most of the above categories into a single fictional history.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And there are people who BELIEVE ancient aliens in the remote past were responsible for the achievements of earlier civilizations. A piece of nonsense which I do not believe at all.

I somewhat more sympathy for those today who believe in UFOs. At least I don't think it is per se impossible to think visitors from other worlds might have come to Earth. But I would want cast iron, indisputable PROOFS of that being so. I even rather hope to someday see a real UFO!

We see Poul Anderson using the UFO theme in "Peek! I See You!"
