Saturday 29 December 2018

To Jotunheim

Poul Anderson, War Of The Gods (New York, 1999), XI.

Traveling a long and dangerous way alone, Odin often loses his path although always, slowly and painfully, refinding it:

passing through warring Midgard as the wanderer, he must often fight;

Ironwood is haunted by monsters and trolls and has no food;

cold, dark Niflheim, has rushing rivers, swarming vipers and the dragon that gnaws the deepest Tree roots;

he skirts Muspellheim where Surtr waits;

eventually, he reaches his destination in the highest mountains of Jotunheim where he will meet Loki.

The mention of Surtr raises a question that will be addressed in the following post.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think I can guess what is this "question" that was raised. My guess is you wondered if Surt, rather than Loki, was the true "Satan" of Scandinavian mythology.
