Thursday 13 December 2018

Approaching Dalestown

Poul Anderson, Vault Of The Ages, Chapter 6.

Returning to Dalestown, Carl rides past:

hilly country;
green valleys;
ripening corn;
tall groves;
streams and lakes;
many farms;
wooden fences;
grazing livestock;
log cabins;
richer estates with larger stone and timber houses;
hamlets, each with a smithy, trading post, water mill and Doctor's house;
open Dales;
smoke from chimneys;
women, children and old men at work because fighting men have gathered in Dalestown.

Next comes the description of the town but I am back to writing short posts between other activities of which more later.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

IOW, even in a juvenile like VAULT OF THE AGES Poul Anderson gives us a complex description of what a real world society is likely to be.
