Monday 17 December 2018

Political Indecision In Three Universes

Three universes:

Earth Real, 2018-2019;

the post-nuclear Earth of Poul Anderson's Vault Of the Ages;

Julian May's Galactic Milieu.

As I finished writing the previous post, the Prime Minister announced that Parliament will discuss Brexit in mid-January and the Leader of the Opposition tabled a Commons vote of No Confidence in the Prime Minister. It is as if someone writes a script to keep us in suspense. (I write "as if" because I am not a conspiracy theorist.)

Anderson's Dalesmen discuss whether to execute taboo-breakers or to lift the taboo.

Galactic Milieu politicians debate whether metapsychic Unification will abolish individuality and prepare to wage interstellar war on this issue!

Brexit is an entirely secular question as is another current concern, climate change, although discussion of the ecology can have a mystical dimension. The Earth Mother is still with (some of) us. By contrast, taboo and Unification are at opposite ends of the theological spectrum. Hindu philosophers disagree about whether the individual soul is essentially identical with an impersonal Absolute or eternally distinct from a personal God. Imagine if such questions became political issues - and let's not misuse science until it becomes a tabooed subject.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It sure looks like Theresa May is trying to stall and delay any action by Parliament about Brexit!

I don't believe in silly plots under every bed, but I can imagine disgruntled Parliamentary leaders and MPs at least talking among themselves on what to do about May and Brexit.

And there has been times when doctrinal disagreements among Christians became passionately debated matters of state. From the Arian controversy of the fourth century AD to the Jansenist debates among French Catholics in the 17th/18th centuries.
