Thursday, 10 December 2020

Arinnian And Eyath

In Dominic Flandry's period, inter-species sex is advertised in Old Town on Irumclaw although not everyone goes along with it. Djana, a skilled professional, says:

"'I don't. Not with xenos -... I mean nonhuman sophonts. It isn't right.'"
-Poul Anderson, A Circus Of Hells IN Anderson, Young Flandry (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 193-365 AT CHAPTER THREE, p. 213.

The non-humanoid Rax suspects that a large enough sum would change Djana's mind although, in fact, he has contacted her for a different kind of business proposition.

There is no suggestion of sex between human beings and Ythrians on Avalon. The two kinds of organisms and their responses are surely too different for this to happen. Arinnian, male human, and Eyath, female Ythrian, have been galemates since childhood. When Eyath expresses her fears for Vodan, the navy reservist whom she does intend to marry:

"Her free arm went around [Arinnian's] shoulder, a blind gesture. He leaned his weight on an elbow so he could reach beneath her wings to embrace her stiff body. And he murmured to her, his sister since they both were children, what comfort he was able."
They sit as closely as two young human beings who are not brother and sister but Arinnian does not think of sex with Eyath. On the contrary, he thinks that Ythrians while not on heat are somehow pure and expects bird women to emulate them while at the same time he is promiscuous with women who have not gone bird. Many men live by a double standard. Arinnian seems to be aiming for a treble.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm rereading A CIRCUS OF HELLS and I certainly remember Leon Ammon "joyhouse"! And I can see humans and non humans as manlike as the Scothanians sometimes having sex. Altho of course no offspring would be possible. To say nothing of far kinkier forms of inter-species sex.

Ad astra! Sean said...

Flandry and Gunli.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And in ENSIGN FLANDRY, we see Flandry attracted by Dragpoika, and she even propositioned him.

Albeit, he thought her fangs intimidating!

Ad astra! Sean