Monday 14 December 2020

Space Battle II

The People Of The Wind, VIII.

When Three Stars is launched from her cruiser, she immediately detects an unaccompanied and interceptible Terran Meteor. Rochefort sees an approaching enemy boat decorated with three golden stars. He thinks that it is odd that Ansa has come so close without opposition. Little does he suspect that planet-based defenses will strike when enough large Terran ships have been lured to attack Hell Rock.

A Terran torpedo misses Three Stars because Vodan is decelerating. It turns to seek but one of Vodan's gunners destroys it. After maneuvering, the Meteor releases radar window but Vodan knows where to aim his energy beams. When the Meteor becomes visible, she has stopped accelerating and air gushes from a gaping hole in her powerplant.

Wa Chaou is dead. Vodan radios. Rochefort surrenders. He and Helu prepare to transfer to the Ythrian. Avalon strikes. Friendly fire obliterates Three Stars. Hooting Star must crash land on Avalon.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That is one of the grimmer ironies of war, that "friendly fire" can sometimes do almost as much harm to one's side as hostile fire!

Ad astra! Sean