Wednesday 23 December 2020

Winter's End

The People Of The Wind.

Every character that survives until the end of The People Of The Wind is given a good send-off by the author or omniscient narrator. For the third time, as seen by us, Saracoglu and Luisa walk in the garden of the governor's palace. We are told that they have done it "...often before." (XIX, p. 655) This time, snow covers flowerbeds, bushes, trees and walls but has been cleared from the paths and is melting into gurgling water. Winter is ending, maybe symbolically. This time also, Saracoglu does not grate on me as much as before. Maybe I am seeing a better side of the guy. Admiral Cajal, with his daughter, Luisa, will neither remain on Esperance nor retire to Terra but return to Nuevo Mexico.

Phillipe Rochefort, Daniel Holm, Arinnian, Tabitha Falkayn and Eyath also receive satisfactory endings.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And the Earl of Anatolia put a stop to attempts by some to spitefully back stab Admiral Cajal, because of the Empire's LOCAL defeat at Avalon ("local," because it did not change the OUTCOME of the war). That is something I think you should keep in mind about Saracoglu.

I'm rather sorry, tho, that Philippe and Tabitha broke up.

Since this is Christmas time, I plan to soon reread Anderson's Christmas story, "The Season of Forgiveness."

Ad astra and Merry Christmas! Sean