Wednesday 30 December 2020

Saturn And Cana

Mirkheim, IX.

A photograph of Saturn in Orion Shall Rise (see Photographs Of Saturn) got me into rereading The Rebel Worlds, then other works in the Technic History. There is yet another image of Saturn in the Saturn Room in the Hotel Universe:

"Overhead lifted the vast half-circles of the rings, tinted more subtly than rainbows in a violet sky where four moons were presently visible. Sparks of light flickered in the streaming arcs and meteors clove the heavens. Where a tiny sun was setting, dimmed by thick air, clouds lay tawny and rosy." (p. 135)

It is in the Saturn Room that van Rijn preaches to Bayard Story about:

"'The very first miracle that Our Lord did...'" (p. 136) (See A Select Vintage And Solar Spices.)

Although I referred to the "...very first miracle...," I did not cite the Biblical reference so here it is: John 2: 1-12.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And it was because you remembered how Admiral Kheraskov liked to have wall animations of planets such as Jupiter and Saturn in his office that I eventually came to reread ENSIGN FLANDRY, A CIRCUS OF HELLS, and THE REBEL WORLDS. It's odd how a man can affect others!

Currently rereading THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN, after which I will focus on Carl E.Olson and Sandra Miesel's THE DAVINCI HOAX (Ignatius Press: 2014). Of course we both know of Miesel as another enthusiast for Anderson's stories.

THE DAVINCI HOAX in turn reminded me of two stories by Anderson featuring Leonardo da Vinci: "The Light," and "House Rule."

Happy New Year! Sean