Thursday 31 December 2020

Chronological Questions II

Mirkheim, XI.

Satan's World, "...the Shenna affair..." (p. 175);
shortly after that, the beginning of "Lodestar";
ten years later, the end of "Lodestar";
ten more years later, Mirkheim.
That makes twenty years between Satan's World and Mirkheim. Why then does Eric Tamarin reflect that van Rijn's face is:
"...sharply remembered from documentary shows a decade ago following the Shenna business..." (p. 176)?
The answer is partly that these texts were never meant to be read this closely.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I don't quite understand your point here. Someone as famous (or infamous, depending on your POV) as Old Nick would surely be as "sharply" by many people who took an interest in these matters ten or more years later. Also, Eric had PERSONAL reasons for taking an interest in Nicholas van Rijn.

Happy New Year! Sean said...


But my point is only that the Shenna affair is two decades in the past at the time when Eric reflects on it.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Dang! I somehow missed that.

Happy New Year! Sean