Wednesday 30 December 2020

Fiction And Reality

It seems strange to keep blogging about a crisis in the Solar Commonwealth when there are multiple crises on Earth now: Covid, Brexit, the environment, the economy, will the US Presidential election result continue to be challenged? Meanwhile, habitual activities continue, in my case blogging. In Mirkheim, five parties have converged on the contested planet: Supermetals, the Commonwealth, Babur, Hermes and the trade pioneer crew. Which is more dramatic: fiction or reality? I am watching the TV News while posting. Will 2021 be as big a disaster as 2020? When will mankind emerge from the Chaos? Will we emerge into Technic civilization or at least into civilization?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

While I'm not entirely convinced the result of the recent Presidential election in the US was entirely honest, I accept it was mostly so. So, I'm resigned to "Josip" becoming President on January 20.

We have discussed what I believe are the best ways to handle environmental problems, with me making special use of Robert Zubrin's book THE CASE FOR SPACE. Limited gov't, free enterprise economics (NOT "crony capitalism" or cartelization), nuclear energy, using plain old rust for sopping up carbon dioxide from the ocean, a real space program to build the kind of structure off Earth for a truly effective solar energy system, etc.

And the UK is better off dumping the sclerotic, heavy handed, one size fits all EU!

I don't expect our Time of Chaos (which I would still date from 1914) ending any time soon or in a peaceful, rational way. After all, it took a long and terrible time for the Solar Commonwealth in the Technic stories to arise (probably around AD 2100).

And I certainly hope we enter better times, including including interplanetary and interstellar travel, colonization, development!

Happy New Year! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

There's no period without some crisis. C'est la vie, as the saying goes.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

That is true, but I think there are some crises we are better off without!

Ad astra! Sean