Monday 21 December 2020


The People Of The Wind.

Ythrians perch. In Lythran's and Blawsa's dining hall, Arinnian, a human being with a Planha name, is "benched" (I, p. 443) among young Ythrians but does this mean that they are all on benches or just that he is?

"Draun...sat back on tail and alatans..." (XIV, p. 593)

How many "alatans" does an Ythrian have? Does he sit on tail and alatan(s) as a Merseian squats on his tail? It seems so:

"The remaining three digits of the ancestral ornithoid had fused to produce the alatan bone which swept backward for more than a meter. The skin over its front half was bare, calloused, another surface to rest on." (II, p. 458)

See also previous blog references to "alatan," here. (Scroll down.) I can't visualize an Ythrian. Can you?

(If there is one alatan for each foot, then there are two alatans!)

"Draun rocked forward, off his alatans, onto his toes." (XIV, p. 600)


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If I try, after carefully reading descriptions of Ythians, then I might be able to somewhat visualize them in my mind.

Merseians, when they want to sit, use a tripod/stool formed from their legs and tails. But wa also see occasional mention of Merseians using actual STOOLS, which I thing would be most practical when they wanted to sit for long periods.

Ad astra! Sean said...


I only know of one Merseian on a stool, in A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I knew I saw at least one Merseian using an actual stool! Another thought: maybe Roidhuns use an elaborate version of a stool for formal audiences and ceremonies? It would be their equivalent of the throne used by Terran Emperors for similar occasions.

Ad astra! Sean said...


An ornate stool might look regal to a Merseian.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

For Merseians and in Merseian symbology it would!

Ad astra! Sean