Monday 28 December 2020

Genesis, Gabriel And Prophets

Mirkheim, Prologue, Y minus 18.

"A ship hunted through space until she found the extinct supernova. Captain David Falkayn beheld the circling planetary core and saw that it was good. But its aspect was so forbidding that he christened it Mirkheim." (p.7)

See Genesis 1:31.

Y minus 9.

"'I told Mortensen no calls from anybody less rank than the angel Gabriel." (p. 12)

See Luke 1: 19.

"You, in a clown suit with a red balloon snoot and painted grin, you would still look like some minor Hebrew prophet on a bad day." (p. 14)

See Twelve Minor Prophets.

Three more Biblical references.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yet again I am reminded of how often, far more so than any SF writer, Anderson made use of allusions, analogies, metaphors, etc., from the Bible. And from many other sources as well, such as Kipling or Shakespeare. And that enriches and adds depth and solidity to Anderson's own stories. But I'm preaching to the choir with you, on this point!

Happy New Year! Sean