Thursday 31 December 2020

The Last Post

If anyone concurrently reads Poul Anderson's Mirkheim and my posts on this novel, then they might wonder why I bypass certain plot elements. That is because I posted about them on previous occasions, e.g., see The Council Of Hiawatha II. In any case, this is definitely the final post for 2020. I have persevered to reach a round number of posts for this month and this year and now will return to rereading Stieg Larsson's Millennium Volume III. In any ordinary year, I would not be rereading a novel but attending a New Year party.

I hope that:

the US gets the President it wants;
the UK gets the BREXIT it wants;
we all get through the pandemic soon;
our future holds a Solar Commonwealth but not a Terran Empire.
Happy New Year. Good night.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

After finishing THE DAY OF THEIR RETURTN, I'll be rereading Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel's THE DAVINCI HOAX.

I do not want "Josip" as President, I am merely resigned to that dismal probability.

The UK does seem to be breaking loose from the EU on reasonably satisfactory terms.

I hope the various Covid vaccines coming online in the UK and US soon stops the pandemic.

I can live with either the Solar Commonwealth and the Terran Empire if they both remained legitimate and did not govern too terribly badly.

Happy New Year! Sean