Thursday 31 December 2020

A Phone, A Cyanops And A Baburite

Mirkheim, X.

Sandra's portable phone hangs from her belt. Thus, it is a walkie-talkie, too bulky to fit in a purse or pocket. It saves an animal's life. Sandra's hounds have trapped a scaled, clawed, reptilian cyanops (scroll down) on a cliff top. As she prepares to shoot this native Hermetian animal through one of its eye with a rifle, her phone buzzes and she must return immediately to Starfall. Although we are not told how many eyes the cyanops has, we assume two but film-makers could make some other assumption.

In the Insignia Room back in Starfall, Sandra sits at bay before the three-dimensional image of a conquering Baburite. I did not think of comparing Sandra to the cyanops but she does.

(The Van Rijn Method is another volume but Sandra Tamarin is one of the characters on its cover.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Dang! Grand Duchess Sandra was carrying a walkie-talkie, not a true cell phone? Oh, well! Looks like "Warriors From Nowhere" will remain the only Techic story mentioning any kind of pocket phone.

If we knew what was the average physiology of native Hermetian animals were, then we could reasonably guess how many eyes this "cyanops" had.

Happy New Year! Sean