Monday 28 December 2020

At First Sight II

Mirkheim, Prologue, Y minus 28.

"He thought a grove of low trees with long black fronds stood at the edge of sight on his left, and that he could make out the glistening city that he knew was to his right. However, this was as unsure as the greeting he would get. And every shape he discerned was so alien that when he glanced elsewhere he could not remember it. Here he must learn all over again how to use his eyes." (p. 3) 

This is Benoni Strang's first visit to the sub-Jovian planet, Babur. He experiences what has previously been described both by CS Lewis and by Poul Anderson. See At First Sight.

A Baburite says:

"'After our experience on Suleiman...we question what we may gain from the Polesotechnic League.'" (p. 4)

Thus, this section of the Prologue is a sequel to the Nicholas van Rijn story, "Esau." Strang confirms this by assuring his hosts that:

"'The Solar Spice & Liquors Company is not the whole League...'" (pp. 4-5)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And the Baburites were behaving BADLY on Suleiman! They were trying to make use of Suleiman without regard to either the wishes of the Suleimanites or the agreements they had made with Solar Spice & Liquors. So, I don't have any sympathy for how the Baburites were thwarted in "Esau."

Happy New Year! Sean