Monday 14 December 2020

Battle Begins

The People Of The Wind.

The Terran armada attacks the Lauran System. First Marchwarden Ferune receives reports in his flagship:

"'Foully thin information,' said the feathers and attitude of his aide." (VII, p. 517)

Human beings have developed sign language for the deaf. It seems that it would be even easier to adapt Planha to leave out vocables.

"At no time were vessels ranked. Besides being unfeasible to maintain, formations tight and rigid would have invited a nuclear barrage." (VIII, p. 524-535)

That reminds me of something that I heard about a land battle in the twentieth century. One side attacked with a single line of tanks equally spaced. When the defenders had got the range right, they were able to hit the tanks without even needing to aim whereas tanks in successive lines unevenly spaced would have overwhelmed the defenses. But I really know nothing about military tactics.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Interesting, this incident you mentioned of the incompetent use of tanks in a certain battle. Was this an incident involving the Soviet use of tanks in WW II? I have more than once seen criticism of Soviet tactics being clumsy, incompetent, and needlessly wasteful. It was more by sheer quantity, rather than quality, that they defeated the Germans on the Eastern Front.

Ad astra! Sean said...


It was somewhere in the Middle East in the 1970s. Sorry to be vague.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Gotcha. It might have been during the war between Iraq and Iran.

Ad astra! Sean