Monday 28 December 2020

Unrighteous News

Mirkheim, Y minus 9.

Van Rijn's Problem
The Garver Bill will give trade unions control of the pension funds of Solar Commonwealth citizens.
Therefore, United Technicians will control the Solar Spice & Liquors pension fund.

The Home Companies will cooperate with this legislation and the Seven In Space will be indifferent.

Therefore, the Polesotechnic League Council will not oppose the Bill.

Despite their rhetoric about siblinghood of workers, unions are profit-making organizations.
Having said that, van Rijn then says that it is not a problem (!) but adds that the close ties between unions and government are a problem.

He does not want government involved in running his business and does not envy the Falkayns' children.

David Falkayn suggests a public relations campaign with pressure on legislators, logrolling etc but van Rijn thinks that this will not work against the Home Companies. (Also, he is seventy one - the same age as me - and tired.)

Hanny Lennart of the Home Companies phones to warn van Rijn against lobbying and bribery.

My Response
Please allow me some time to formulate it.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And my sympathies lies with Old Nick and Falkayn on this matter! I don't put much trust in any gov't. And any bill which, like this one, increases its power in matters outside its proper field of action WILL arouse my dislike and suspicion. My vies is that only the unions concerned and their employers should be deciding how to handle pension funds. And it was a very bad sign to see the Home Companies caving in about the Garver Bill.

Happy New Year! Sean