Monday 23 November 2020

Photographs Of Saturn

The ringed planet, Saturn, exists in the Maurai and Technic Histories and in many other parts of the Old Phoenix multiverse although not in all. Maybe Saturn is just a light in the sky in the Carolingian universe?

"On [the Orion director's] battered old desk were two pictures, one of his family, one out of ancient archives, a Voyager view of Saturn."
-Orion Shall Rise, CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE, 3, p. 451.
"Once he smiled at the image of his wife, children, son-in-law, grandchild; once he touched the Saturn picture." (ibid.)
"Rupert's glance was caught by a picture unlike most of the portraits, landscapes, and action scenes around: a colored print of a glossy kind new to him, eerily beautiful in its vista of a starry night wherein floated a branded silvery globe encompassed by shimmering rings."
-Poul Anderson, A Midsummer Tempest (London, 1975), xii, p. 97.
"The rear wall was an animation screen; at present it held an image of Jupiter seen from an approaching ship, so vivid that newcomers gasped."
-Poul Anderson, The Rebel Worlds (London, 1973), II, p. 16.
"Behind [Vice Admiral Sir Ilya Khersakov], the projection screen today held an image of Saturn."
-The Rebel Worlds, XVI, p. 136.
Eygar Dreng, Rupert of the Rhine and Dominic Flandry each see an image of Saturn but Flandry can go there.
We might finish rereading Orion Shall Rise tomorrow but not tonight and what a long way we have come etc.
(I keep checking news from the US for a resolution of the current dramatic conflict.)


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

As of the time when Holger Danske was in the Carolingian universe of THREE HEARTS AND THREE LIONS, I am sure all that astronomers (or astrologers?) could make of Saturn was a light in the sky. But nothing should prevent Carolingian savants from developing astronomy further along the lines we have seen in our universe.

Now THAT interests me, Prince Rupert noticing what seems a lot like PHOTOGRAPHY to me. Rather cool, Anderson having photography being invented in the 17th century of A MIDSUMMER TEMPEST. I am sorry to say I completely missed that in my previous readings of the book.

Yes, it's plain Vice Admiral Kheraskov was found of selecting images from different parts of the Solar System for his wall animations, with Saturn apparently a special favorite.

As for the bitter, hard fought US Presidential campaign, it's plain Pres. Trump has pretty much given up on further opposing Biden's status as President elect.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Photography was not invented in the 17th century of A MIDSUMMER TEMPEST. Rather, there was a photograph in the Old Phoenix.

Paul. said...


Since every kind of universe can exist in the multiverse, there might be some that have a single flat Earth with mere lights in its sky.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Re photography in A MIDSUMMER TEMPEST: dang! It still would have been INTRIGUING if photography had been invented so early, in that timeline.

Theoretically, yes, but I can't really see a scientifically and totally implausible flatland Earth and universe existing. A failure of imagination on my part, I'm sure!

Ad astra! Sean