Monday 30 November 2020

East Of Windhome

Poul Anderson, The Day Of Their Return IN Anderson, Captain Flandry: Defender Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 74-238, 2.

The chapter begins:

"East of Windhome..." (p. 76)

- which, we might remember, was the name of Hugh McCormac's residence in Chapter VI of The Rebel Worlds.

The viewpoint character, Ivar Frederiksen, hears "...the Windfloss flowing." (ibid.) We might remember that Kathryn McCormac's maiden name was Frederiksen and that Hugh McCormac, when returning to Windhome, heard the Wildfoss River brawling in cataracts.

Ivar and his comrades ambush "Imperials." (p. 77) Later, Ivar confirms that these Imperials are "Terrans." (p. 81) Before doing that, he has entered Windhome, "...the ancestral seat of the Firstman of Ilion." (p. 79) That was Hugh McCormac's title. Sergeant Astaff, wearing Ilian uniform in defiance of Imperial decree, addresses Ivar as "'Firstli' Ivar!'" (p. 80) - then reminds him that he is, "' Firstman of Ilion....'" (p. 82)

Astaff also tells us:

"'I know Empire. Traveled through it more than once with Admiral McCormac.' As he spoke the name, he saluted. The average Imperial agent who saw would have arrested him on the spot." (p. 82)

Astaff begins our introduction to Aenean Anglic, with no definite article: "Empire," not "the Empire." More importantly, with Flandry, we met the Pretender McCormac; now, with Ivar, we meet a man who served under, and still salutes, the exiled Admiral McCormac.

Finally, moving the narrative forward, Astaff introduces us to Aenean religion. Ivar, as next Firstman, is:

"'Maybe last hope we got, this side of Elders returnin'.'" (ibid.)

Little does the reader yet suspect what this is going to mean although the opening chapter has given us a hint:

"-Six million years have blown by in the night, said Caruith. I remember..." (p. 76)

The issues of The Rebel Worlds are still with us and more will be added although, somewhat disjointingly, all the characters have changed.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Given the recent political upheavals in Sector Alpha Crucis it should be no surprise that we are seeing an entire new cast of major characters in THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN. What puzzles me is exactly how, and by what rules or laws the Frederiksens came to become the Firstmen of Ilion, if for centuries that office had been held by the McCormac family? We are not told that! I suspect something like the Spanish rule for succeeding to peerages was the custom on Aeneas.

Another point I really should have brought up with Anderson in one of my letters to him!

Ad astra! Sean