Friday 13 November 2020

Many Characters

Orion Shall Rise.

I identified four main viewpoint characters although there are others - but we will not list them all here. They include:

Iern's wife, Faylis, on pp. 71-76;

Faylis' brother, Lorens, on pp. 300-302;

Iern's foster mother, Rossen, on pp. 306-308;

the usurper, Jovain, to whom we return at the beginning of CHAPTER TWENTY when he is in conversation with Bergdorff Pir Verine and Mattas Olvera in the Captain's office in Skyholm.

It is an auctorial skill to juggle multiple characters and their interactions and a reader can get them hopelessly confused. (Imagine reading a novel that had been published without anyone realizing that the author had mixed up two of the characters.) Pir Verine gives Mattas an irenic nod and I had to google that adjective.

An earlier conversation between Mikli Karst and Wairoa Haakonu on pp. 333-338 was unsettling. Wairoa, viewpoint character in this passage, reads and comments on Mikli's body language and ends by saying that they were born to kill each other. Will that happen before this novel ends?

This post directly or indirectly alludes to twelve characters.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Off the top of my head I would guess by "irenic nod" Per Verine was giving Mattas a conciliatory or placating gesture.

Ad astra! Sean said...


That is what the word means but I was not familiar with it.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Well, I have seen use of the word "irenic" in other places.

Ad astra! Sean