Sunday 22 November 2020

Conference At Castle Beynac


An angry conference meets at Castle Beynac because a conflict has escalated. Skyholm staff have refused to obey certain kinds of orders so the usurper, Jovain, has replaced them with foreign mercenaries - strike breakers, "scabs" - and this has provoked massive opposition at every level in Domain society.

"Sessions began early each day and ran until well after sundown. The matter dealt with was as grave as any in the history of the Domain, or more so. Everybody demanded to be heard, repeatedly and at length." (p. 422)

This is perhaps the greatest single difference between human beings and the Ythrians in Poul Anderson's Technic History. The Ythrians are intelligent flying carnivores, which is a major physical and biological difference from humanity. However, in their "Khruaths," decision-making bodies, in time of war:

the only speakers are those who have something specific either to report or to propose;
each speaks once and briefly.

Thus, every free adult in each territory across the planet Avalon is able to attend and vote in a regional Khruath, part of the Great Khruath.
Advances in education, culture and communications technology should empower other intelligent species to progress toward a Khruath system.

Addendum: I forgot to mention that many Avalonian human beings have joined Ythrian choths and therefore participate in Khruaths instead of in the Parliament of Man.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I don't in the least believe anything like a Ythrian system can work for HUMAN societies. For the simple and sufficient reason that men and women are NOT Ythrians. And I believe Anderson made it plain in THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND that was his view as well. "Advances in education, culture, and communications technology" will not change that.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Your views are much closer than mine to Anderson's.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I have noticed that. I am grateful you are so patient with a curmudgeon like me!

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...
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S.M. Stirling said...

To start with, most human beings are simply stupid and this is biological -- as the saying goes, half the population has a below-average IQ, and the average isn't very high.

And secondly, as far as intelligence goes, there's a saying that sums it up: reason is just passion's bitch.

What Poul's describing above is simply a case of what happens when human beings feel that their territorial boundaries(*) have been violated and that their social status/power is threatened.

They kill.

The rest is cultural window-dressing and propaganda.

(*) with human beings, territory can be literal or metaphorical -- a job, for example.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

And not just stupid, but too often INDIFFERENT to public affairs. And I do NOT expect that to change. So, yes, I reiterate my agreement with Anderson and now you. Nothing like Ythrian khruaths will ever work for human beings.

Ad astra! Sean