Thursday 10 December 2020

On The Other Wing

The People Of The Wind, III.

Eyath has dreamed not that Vodan and she were human beings but that they were like them. Vodan calls this "'...forever in rut...'" whereas she calls it "'Forever in love.'" (p. 470) He thinks that she has been too much with Arinnian and warns her not to wish that she was human.

Eyath slants to catch a downdraft, glides, flies upward, hovers on a thermal and replies:

"'Would I trade this?...Or you?'" (ibid.)

It seems that Arinnian and Eyath are agreed that Ythrian flying is better than human walking.

Incidentally, we learn that Arinnian and Eyath became friends so young because her father, Lythran, had taken her with him when he had business in Gray. Thus, some background biography is provided. A great deal will have happened to all of these characters before the novel ends with:

"High is heaven and holy." (XIX, p. 662)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Good! Eyath was much more BALANCED than Christopher Holm.

Ad astra! Sean