Monday 20 May 2024

What Next For Gunnar Heim?

The Star Fox, Part Two, "Arsenal Port," I.

"When the Earth ship came, Gunnar Heim was bargaining with a devil-winged messenger from a nuclear smithy." (p. 77)

Has Part One initiated a series in which Heim is now operating as a interstellar privateer? Well, no. He is bargaining to get nuclear armament for Fox II which is named after his former naval ship, Star Fox. (There is a potential prequel series.) So the privateering has not started yet. And I am about to lose internet access overnight so I had better publish this post now. Back here some time tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I like that line: "...bargaining with a devil-winged messenger from a nuclear smithy"!

Ad astra! Sean