Monday 13 May 2024

Introducing THE STAR FOX

Poul Anderson, The Star Fox (New York, 1966).

In the opening pages, the Moon is referred to as "Luna" and we are told that there is an Apollo City. It is not called "Luna City" so we are not in Robert Heinlein's Future History but maybe in a similar future. On Earth, any large city has a Welfare section, unsafe at night. The police merely contain "...the fury and futility..." (p. 10) of the technologically unemployed but protect those with needed skills. Gunnar Heim, self-described retired spaceman, drinks and gambles in the Welfare "subculture" (ibid.) where he goes armed with a stun pistol.

These are familiar futurological issues. Let's not discuss them again. They are only background colour, in any case. Heim, of Norwegian descent and now naturalized as American:

"'...was born on Gea, Tau Ceti II.'" (p. 12)

- and was in the space navy. So we gather that there is regular interstellar travel, almost certainly faster than light. Sf cliches fall into place but we expect Poul Anderson to put them to good use.

The title is standard. This author's titles also include Star Ways. And, of course, we cannot escape from Star Trek or Star Wars. But we rightfully expect a better deal from Poul Anderson.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

"Gambols" seems an odd word for Anderson to use in this context. Didn't Gunner Heim "gambles"?

Ad astra! Sean said...

"gambling" is what Anderson in fact wrote.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Thought it was something like that. "Gambols" was a bit jarring!

Ad astra! Sean