Wednesday 8 May 2024

The Trouble Twisters And The Technic Civilization Saga

See Trader To The Stars And The Technic Civilization Saga. 

The Trouble Twisters does not begin at an arbitrary point in David Falkayn's career, leaving later volumes to collect previous instalments. Instead, the collection covers the three stages of Falkayn's early career advancement: apprentice, journeyman and Master Merchant Polesotechnic League. But, for this reason, some time must elapse before the journeyman qualifies as a Master Merchant and a number of events involving other characters are bound to have occurred elsewhere during that period of time. Therefore, the first and second of the three stories in The Trouble Twisters become the sixth and seventh of eleven in The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume I, The Van Rijn Method, and the third story in The Trouble Twisters becomes the second of seven in Volume II, David Falkayn: Star Trader. As with the van Rijn collection, Trader To The Stars, three new introductions were written for The Trouble Twisters and these are reproduced in the Saga although the third "introduction" is really an independent narrative. Introductions added in Trader To The Stars, The Trouble Twisters and The Earth Book of Stormgate remain in the Saga and enhance the Technic History.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Any COMPLETE COLLECTED WORKS should include commentary explaining all this, so readers won't get too confused.

Ad astra! Sean