Sunday 26 May 2024

The Mission To Europe Neuve

The Star Fox, Part Three, III.

I am not fully following something but maybe that is because I have not read far enough yet but I will be going out shortly so here is the story so far. Heim wants to land himself and three others on the Aleriona-occupied human colony planet, Europe Neuve. Fox II approaches the far side of the moon, Diane. A tender descends to the surface. Its crew trek to the planet-facing side, complete their errand, whatever it is, and return, then wait in their tender. 

Next, a giant meteorite hits the planet. Heim and his three companions fly down in a captured Aleriona ship, concealed and shielded by the meteorite. Heim must pilot the ship to remain exactly behind the meteorite before he veers off. They make it.

Did the men who went to Diane cause the meteorite to hit the planet? How? Have I just not read far enough yet? I will report back later.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think we can assume Heim believed that meteorite was not big enough to do too much, if any, harm to the human colonists of Europe Neuve. Esp. if they were far from the coasts. If the meteorite bothered the Aleriona, tough beans!

Ad astra! Sean