Friday 31 May 2024


Fire Time, I.

We read a passage like the opening paragraph of this chapter accepting that we do not yet understand some of the terms used but trusting that all will be made clear as we proceed. Poul Anderson slips something right past us. In Fire Time, the Demon Sun blazes above the Starklands where no mortals live even at the best of times. Southward from these Starklands dwell the Tassui who therefore are the northernmost of mortals. This is all clear so far.

However, "Dauri" from the Starklands travel south on unknown errands and thus come among the Tassui. Presumably these errands are unknown to mortals, not to the dauri themselves. So the dauri are not mortals? Then who or what are they? Not only are we not told yet. At a first reading, we probably read right past this first paragraph without noticing the strange status of these dauri.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Anderson writes many of his stories like mysteries, inserting clues at strategic locations. It's up to the reader to notice them and try to make sense of these hints.

Ad astra! Sean