Sunday 19 May 2024

Extracting A Future History From a Fictional Future

The Star Fox.

The Nuclear Exchange left some craters but rid Earth of:

"'...those ideological governments.'" (II, p. 22)

According to Gunnar Heim, the Exchange also left the human race irrational on the subject of nuclear weapons. What he calls "irrational," I would probably call "properly cautious."

It took some time for every country to join the World Federation. The Peace Control Authority protected Federation interests in Africa during the period when the Moslem League did not yet recognize the Federation. In Heim's time, every country is in the Federation. The United States, Hungary, France, the Kenyan Empire and Italy are mentioned specifically. Under the Federation Constitution, no country can negotiate separately with any extra-terrestrial power and also none can possess armed forces above police level.

Human beings have colonized New Europe in the Phoenix region and this has led to clashes with the Aleriona who have been spacefarers in that region since human beings lived in caves.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would need to reread THE STAR FOX before I could judge if that fear of nuclear weapons was either "irrational" or "properly cautious." Admittedly, given my inclination to sympathize with Gunnar Heim, I would lean to the former.

We see a very different "historical" background from ours in FOX! We see the Crown Prince of Italy in one scene and mention of a Kenyan Empire in another part.

Ad astra! Sean