Monday 13 May 2024

Jack And Henry

Jack Havig's mother, bathing Jack as a baby, hears a baby scream in the bedroom so she carries Jack through and sees another baby, naked and wet, crying in Jack's crib. In surprise, she drops Jack who vanishes as he falls. He has responded to falling by space-time travelling to the safety of his crib a few minutes earlier. 

Henry DeTamble's mother is driving a car with six year old Henry sitting beside her. When she hits the back of a truck, a sheet of metal from the truck crashes through her windshield, decapitates her and would also have killed Henry who, however, is found naked beside the road although his clothes have remained in the car. No one understands. Like Jack, Henry has time travelled to safety.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm a bit puzzled. Henry could not take the clothes he was wearing when he time traveled? Does that mean every time he traveled thru time Henry arrived naked at the other point in time?

Ad astra! Sean said...


It means precisely that. He cannot take anything that is not part of his body, not even tooth fillings. Read the book. It's very good.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, but THERE WILL BE TIME does have the mutant time travelers being able to take with them whatever they were wearing and a moderate amount of other things. Which I thought made sense.

Ad astra! Sean