Tuesday 21 May 2024

On Staurn

The Star Fox, Part Two, I.

Fox II took two weeks to cross the hundred light-years to Staurn and has been there for three weeks so that only five weeks have elapsed since the end of Part One. Two men called Koumanoudes and Wong have been on Staurn for two months and they interpret. Fox II, with its crew of about a hundred, is in orbit, being fitted for war. Heim and a crew of about six are on the surface with Heim's yacht, Connie Girl, which has become an auxiliary to Fox II. Heim buys weapons from the Hurst of Wenilwain and the Aerie of Trebogir. Staurni have seven-metre-span wings and are covered in a growth intermediate between hair and feathers. This is a summary of some of the information imparted in this chapter.

Regular readers will understand when I say that blogging is being cut short by a visit to Andrea above the Old Pier Bookshop and that this evening I will join others in the Gregson Centre so that posts might be sparse for the rest of today.


S.M. Stirling said...

Such a pity you have a Real Life(tm)!

Enjoy your meetings and outings.

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

Thank you. My real life is good. I have just got back from Andrea and must now meditate which is sometimes the hardest thing to do.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I second what Stirling said.

Ad astra! Sean