Monday 20 May 2024

Milky Way And Mach Drive

The Star Fox, IX.

"Heim ignored the mob scene on the 3V, rested his eyes on the cold serenity of the Milky Way and thought that this, at least, would endure." (p. 69)

The Milky Way will endure for longer than human mobs. "Cold serenity" seems to be a description of the Milky Way that we have not noted on previous readings. 

The Fox II leaves the Solar System on Mach drive. For a longer summary, see here. For more on means of faster than light travel, see here. (Scroll down.)

We have reached the end of Part One.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think I gained a glimpse of that "cold serenity" in the clear, brightly starry nighttime skies of Hawaii.

Ad astra! Sean