Thursday 9 May 2024

Rogaviki Organization

The Winter Of The World, XII.

A Kithmeet is near solstice in each territory whereas a Landmeet, two months later:

" for everybody in the Northlands who cares to come." (p. 104)

- like an Ythrian Khruath. So far, I am in tune with this way of organising. However, in the immediately following sentences, Josserek reflects:

"Shark! Will they take so long to start getting organized? Sidir could be in Roong by then.
He had learned the futility of argument." (ibid.)

Roong is the northernmost point below the Ice.

The Rogaviki have no way to convene an emergency meet even in the face of an invasion and planned conquest? That is seriously odd. I would want friendly relations with the Rogaviki, learning from them but also teaching them a few things. But the novel will proceed to relate how they resist.


S.M. Stirling said...

Organization and discipline are more important that raw ferocity in war.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul and Mr. Stirling!

Paul: I think Roong is the site of the ruins of Chicago.

Mr. Stirling: Absolutely! And we do see the Imperials defeating the Rogaviki when they fought. It needed outside interference from Killimaraich to force Sidir to retreat.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: yes but this should have happened -many times-, until there weren't any Rogaviki left.

There's a long history of major states in that area, and the Rogaviki are not capable of serious warfare. Further, their territory is rich and capable of supporting more people, so it would be worth the cost to take it.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree! Anderson did leave that possibility open at the end of THE WINTER OF THE WORLD, as in Josserek wondering if Arvanneth would again be conquered by the Empire. Which would open the way for a much more determined effort to conquer the Rogaviki lands. First, of course, making sure no one was lurking in the Caribbean waiting to again stir up trouble in Arvanneth.

Ad astra! Sean