Tuesday 21 May 2024


The Star Fox, Part Two, II.

When a futuristic sf writer presents a list of authors that are read in the future, we expect that maybe the last name on the list is of someone that does not exist yet. Sure enough, Gunnar Heim's former friend, Jocelyn Lawrie, displays reproductions of Matisse and Hiroshige and her bookshelf holds volumes by:


Maybe I am wrong here but has anyone heard of that last guy? 

I am giving myself indigestion here so that I can drive across town to the Gregson Centre. Back here later or tomoz.


S.M. Stirling said...

Yeah, it's an imaginary author. Needed for verisimilitude, if you don't want the character to come across as a fuddy-duddy.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul and Mr. Stirling!

And I recall how, in THE PLAGUE OF MASTERS, Flandry's captor Nias Warouw talked about a Terran poet with him. Another fictional writer!

Ad astra! Sean