Monday 20 May 2024

Peace And Sanity

The Star Fox.

A letter to Heim from his daughter's abductors reads in part:

"...we will be forced to punish you through the girl." (VII, p. 52)

- and is signed:

"Yours for peace and sanity." (ibid.)

Peace and sanity! God save the mark!

When Heim has abducted the Aleriona, Cynbe, he threatens to kill him with his bare hands. No! I am not with either the Peace Militants or Heim on this.

I suppose that, if I were in Heim's position - like him, I do have one daughter - I would back down to the abductors' demands, get my daughter back, move my family to somewhere safe - then take further action. But not by abducting anyone's daughter.

Cynbe comments:

"'I knew not humans hold their young so dear.'" (p. 61)

So the Aleriona don't? They are full of surprises.

Heim has to show Cynbe that cooperation on this matter is in both their interests. He succeeds. A smooth operation with an instant result.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Fanatics like to boast of how noble they are even as they wallow in brutality! Like that monster Robespierre making excuses for the cruelties of the Revolution.

Ad astra! Sean