Friday 24 May 2024



The Star Fox, Part Two, V.

Trekking across Staurn, Vadasz sings:

"Trois jeunes tambours, s'en revenaient de guerre..." (see here);

"Rimini" (see here);

"Marching through Georgia" (see here);

"The British Grenadiers" (see here);

"From Syrtis to Cydonia."

Syrtis and Cydonia are places on Mars. This is a future song. I also saw a reference to Cydonia as the poetic name for somewhere but now can't find it.

Because he sings marching songs:

"They reached the woods sooner, in better shape, than expected." (p. 111)


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Similar things have happened at sea, such as how rowers pulling their oars to a steady consistent beat set by a drum was far more efficient than going all out.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Marching songs pace you; they also distract you from your physical sensations in an odd way, I found. You were conscious but not quite -there-, if you know what I mean.

(Did a fair bit of marching in the Canadian militia.)

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

You gave us some examples of fictional marching songs in THE GENERAL books.

Ad astra! Sean