Sunday 19 May 2024

Hostage Taking And Heim's Response to it

The Star Fox, VII.

Peace Militants have taken Heim's daughter hostage. What could be a more pressing issue right now than hostage taking? The futuristic sf that we read keeps breaking through into our real life present.

Heim says:

"'What matters to them is their cause. If we could go after it -'
"Heim bellowed. Vadasz almost got knocked over in the big man's rush to the phone." (p. 53)

This is Heim's second moment of realization. We will soon learn what the realization is and it will again involve the Aleriona representative.

On the phone, Heim says:

"'Donnez-vous moi M. le Minister tout de suite, s'il vous plait.' Despite the circumstances, Vadasz winced at what Heim thought was French." (ibid.)

I understood Heim even if Vadasz winced! That might be it for this evening. Other things happening here. Probably back here tomorrow. Onward, we hope. 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That bit about Gunnar Heim botching French reminded me of Old Nick mangling Anglic

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

BTW, my take on hostages is that you should rescue them if possible, avenge them if necessary, but never, ever bargain in good faith for their release.

As a delaying tactic to set up the assault, no problem. Lie truth out of creation.

If everyone knows you will never, ever pay anything for the release of hostages but that you -will- hunt hostage-takers down and kill them (and anyone standing near them...) then hostage-taking becomes far less likely.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree! Terrorists like Hamas deserve nothing but a bullet to the back of the head.

Ad astra! Sean