Saturday 25 May 2024

Occupied Planets

In Poul Anderson's Technic History, the human colony planet, Vixen, is occupied by the alien Ardazirho. Dominic Flandry goes there and it is a bit like occupied France. In Anderson's The Star Fox, the French human colony planet, Europe Neuve/New Europe, is occupied by the alien Aleriona and Gunnar Heim is about to go there in Part Three, II. Similar events occur in alternative futures especially if they have the same author.

Part Three is called "Admiralty." The original magazine version of "Admiralty" is collected in the NESFA The Collected Short Works of Poul Anderson, Volume 4, which is entitled Admiralty and has a very appropriate and evocative front cover illustration. 

It is late here and other reading calls but be back here soon for Heim on Europe Neuve.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

There were some differences. Unlike the Nazis, Draka, and Merseians the Ardazirho were not motivated by any master race nonsense. They were tough and rough, but not racists.

Ad astra! Sean